EU-programmes – Discover the opportunities for the public sector
Date: Friday 13 November 2020, 09:15 - 11:15
Location: Virtual meeting (Zoom)
Organisation: NorCore
The programme has been developed in close collaboration with the Norwegian regional offices in Brussels, as well as with the Norwegian Mission to the EU, NHO and KS Brussels.
09:00 Virtual meeting opens
Moderator: Simon Pickard, Science Business
09:15 Welcome by Deputy Chief of Mission, Per Strand Sjaastad, on behalf of Ambassador to the EU, Rolf Einar Fife
09:25 Opening address by the Norwegian Minister of Research and Higher Education, Henrik Asheim
09:35 Horizon Europe and Erasmus+ beyond 2021: Main novelties for public sector
Deputy Director-General Ms Viviane Hoffmann, DG EAC, European Commission
Deputy Director-General Patrick Child, DG RTD, European Commission
10:10 Questions and answers
State secretary Aase Marthe Johansen Horrigmo, Ministry of Education and Research
Deputy Director-General Patrick Child, DG RTD
Deputy Director-General Viviane Hoffmann, DG EAC
10:30 Possibilities and challenges: How to mobilise and benefit from the next generation of EU programmes?
Thoughts/Pitches from
Morten Wolden, Municipal Director, Trondheim Municipality
Anita Lindahl Trosdahl, Senior Adviser, City of Oslo
Thea Forsberg, KS - The Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities
Eirin Fausa Pettersen, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL)
Moderated discussion
11:10 Final words
Håkon Haugli, CEO Innovation Norway
Harald Nybølet, Director General, Norwegian Agency for International Cooperation and Quality Enhancement in Higher Education (Diku)
Kristin Danielsen, Executive Director, the Research Council of Norway
11:15 End
To confirm your participation, please register here by end 11 November 2020.
The link to the Zoom-meeting will be sent to all registered users on 12 November.
