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Merry Christmas from the NorCore team

After more than a year in our home offices, we were all glad to start this autumn coming regularly to the office, meeting Brussels colleagues in meetings and more informal settings, and – slowly but surely – receiving visits also from Norway.

This autumn, we have met with, among others, the University of Bergen, the NHO, Sintef, regional representatives from Troms and Finmark regional authority, to mention some. Whilst the pandemic now again causes new restrictions, the digital tools we have gotten so used to by now ensure that we can still keep in touch and continue or work. However, we do encourage you to check out our meeting room and related services if you plan a trip to Brussels.

So, what is in the pipeline for 2022? One of the major priorities for the von der Leyen Commission is the European Green Deal. It impacts all the EU actions and programmes, and challenges our “silo-thinking”: We are asked to look beyond the traditional limits of subject fields, and between structures. In an upcoming webinar on 17 February (please save the date!), we will look into how exactly it impacts the work of research, education and innovation stakeholders.

The team this autumn has consisted of Karin and Vemund from the Research Council of Norway, Hans Eirik and Odin from Innovation Norway, and Ragnhild and Anja from the Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills, as well as our receptionist Elisa. Odin is returning to Bergen and his master studies at the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH), and Anja is going back to HK-dir and her position and Communications adviser for Erasmus+. We wish them the best of luck, and thank them for their valuable contributions to the NorCore team.

And to all of you - we wish you a relaxing Christmas holiday, and look forward to seeing you in Brussels (or elsewhere) in 2022.

The NorCore team



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