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New trainees at NorCore

A new year means a new NorCore trainee, and we are happy to welcome Marthe Skogland Wedøe to the office!

Marthe has just arrived in chilly Brussels from tropical Malaysia, where she spent Autumn 2022 as a trainee at the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur. She also holds a bachelor's degree in Political Science from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), where she studied several subjects on the EU and the relationship between the EU and Norway. She has previously also been president of the European Youth Parliament Norway, worked as a research assistant at the University of Oslo and been a trainee at the Norwegian Parliament.

- I'm very excited to be in Brussels and to be working with Norwegian and European cooperation in research, innovation, and education. I hope to actively contribute to NorCore's work while soaking up as much information as possible during my stay, says Marthe.

Marthe replaces Magnus Stakkestad, who left our office right before Christmas. Luckily, Magnus didn't go far as he is currently doing an internship at the Norwegian mission to the EU, just a brisk 15-minute walk from NorCore.

This spring we also welcome Maiken Sørbye Larsen, who is doing an internship with Innovation Norway and divides her time between NorCore and Norway House. Maiken is also from NTNU, where she is currently pursuing a bachelor's in Political Science. During her bachelor’s degree, Maiken had subjects covering the relations between upcoming technology and society, with focus on the UN sustainability goals. This spiked her interest in sustainability, and the importance of research and innovation in connotation with this. Maiken has previous experience working in wide range of sectors, including in care facilities and academia where she worked as a student assistant at NTNU.

- The EU is an important arena if we are to reach the UN sustainability goals, for instance tackling climate change. I am really looking forward to learning more about the EU and contribute to Innovation Norway’s and NorCore’s important work on Norwegian participation in Horizon Europe.

We are happy to have Marthe and Maiken onboard!



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