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Global cooperation in research, innovation and education: the EU perspective

(Image: ©iStock)

Date: Monday 21 June 2021, 12:30 - 14:10

Location: Virtual meeting

Organisation: NorCore


The EU presented this spring a new strategy for global cooperation within research and innovation. Global cooperation was an important topic in both the EEA and ERA communications from 2020, and both Erasmus+ and Horizon Europe have important global components, and some new elements from 2021.

Since Norway will participate in these programmes, it is important to identify how we can contribute to increase Norwegian participation in the global EU cooperation, as well as to advance synergies (while at the same time avoiding unnecessary overlaps) with national schemes for global knowledge-related cooperation.

NorCore on 21 June organised a webinar to explore how synergies can be advanced between the EU's and national schemes for global R&I cooperation. We also addressed how Norwegian participation in global EU cooperation can be increased.

The full webinar is available via stream here.

Presentations from speakers who used slides can be found below:



12:15 Virtual meeting opens

Moderator: Irina Ferencz, Director of ACA

12:30 Welcome

Rolf Einar Fife, Norwegian Ambassador to the EU, Mission of Norway to the European Union

New EU Strategy for global cooperation in research and innovation / Global dimension of European education policy

Adam Tyson, Senior Advisor International Cooperation Strategy at the European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, and

Gianpaolo Suriano, Deputy Head of Unit of International Cooperation at the European Commission, Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture

The renewed Panorama strategy and main priorities for Norwegian global cooperation

Joakim Bakke, Director General, Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research

Moderated discussion: What's in it for us? Implications for the research and higher education community

Thomas Jørgensen, Senior Policy Coordinator at the European University Association,

Mari Sundli Tveit, Chief Executive, the Research Council of Norway,

Åse Gornitzka, Vice Rector at the University of Oslo,

Tiina Vihma-Purovaara, Senior Ministerial Adviser at the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Finland, and Vice-Chair of the Strategic Forum for International STI Cooperation (SFIC)

Perspective from South Africa

Dr. Nico Cloete, Professor, Centre for Research on Evaluation, Science and Technology (CREST), Stellenbosch University

Information from the Norwegian financing agencies: Opportunities for International cooperation

14:10 End



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