Takeaways from three months in Brussels
After 3 months in Brussels it is time to say goodbye to Ingvild. In January Ingvild Hope joined the NorCore team, eager to learn more about the EU system and Norways role in it.

Ingvild (right) together with Unni Sagberg (left) at the Global Gateway event on Education.
"My time in Brussels has been absolutely amazing. Being able to see the workings of the EU up close, and especially Norways role in it as an EEA member, has been very enlightening. It has also given me new insight to the value of the EU as an institution. Being able to attend many inspiring events, not just through a screen, has also given me the opportunity to get to know a lot of interesting people."
"It was also a pleasure to meet many of my colleagues from the Cooperation for Sustainable Development in Higher Education Group (DHG). Together we have made exiting plans for further sharing of ideas and information. The next DHG Forum Meeting will be here in Brussels in November and will touch upon many of the current challenges within higher education and global cooperation."
As a part of the NorCore office, Ingvild has combined her tasks from her position as a senior adviser at the department of global cooperation and capacity building at the Norwegian Directorate of Higher Education and Skills (HK-dir), with taskes linked to the workings of the Brussels office. She has met with delegations, attended events, followed the developments in the EU, and arranged events. A special thanks to Ingvild for her contribution to our seminar "Advancing Responsible International Collaboration in Research, Innovation and Higher Education", which was a collaboration between HK-dir and The Norwegian Research Council, facilitated by the NorCore office.
"Being part of the NorCore office has been a great experience. Seeing how this office can bring together Norwegian and European perspectives, and be a bridge between the two, is very impressive. The office also has an important role in binding our three organisations, both in Brussels and at home, as well as being an important actor for visiting delegations. On a personal level, the NorCore office has been a very welcoming place, and being able to be a part of this fast pace Brussels Bubble has been a great experience. Also, thanks to our colleagues at SwissCore for all the lovely lunch chats."
Now she will be returning back to her job as a senior adviser at HK-dir in Bergen. It has been great having Ingvild as a part of the NorCore team, she will be missed in the office.
