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Takeaways from three of our colleagues

As the Christmas holiday approaches, we bid farewell to our colleagues who have been part of the NorCore team for the past three months: Elisabeth Frydenlund, Anja Olsen Moberg, and Annika Syverstad. Here are some of their reflections on their time in Brussels.


“It has been a really exciting autumn in Brussels, after the election of a new European Parliament in June and the following election of a new European Commission in November. The EU comes alive when you are in Brussels! Through being at NorCore and participating in many interesting meetings in Brussels, I have gained much better insight into the long-term plans of the EU as regards research and innovation, as well as the process leading up to the next framework programme after 2027. On a personal note, being part of the hardworking and welcoming NorCore office has been a great experience!”, says Elisabeth, Special Adviser in the Department for Innovation and Regional Development at The Research Council of Norway.


Anja, Senior Adviser in the Department of European Cooperation and Quality Enhancement at the Directorate for Higher Education and Skills (HK-dir), says the following about her time at NorCore:


“These three months have given me a deeper understanding of EU politics and how the EU institutions work. I have had the pleasure of meeting with a range of different higher education stakeholders who have candidly shared their experience and knowledge with me. I leave Brussels with a great appreciation of the kindness and openness people have shown me, and thanks to them I now have a much broader take on EUs approach to educational policy then I had when I arrived earlier this fall. I have also greatly appreciated my temporary everyday life at Rue du Trône 98 as part of the NorCore team and as part of the NorCore/Swisscore working community.”


Annika, a master's student in political science at the University of Oslo, has been interning at NorCore this autumn. Here are her thoughts on the past months:


“My time in Brussels has flown by, and I look back at it with gratitude. I have been warmly welcomed by my colleagues, who have included me in a wide range of NorCore’s activities. It has been especially interesting to be in Brussels during the formation of the new Commission and to follow the various processes and political play this entails. In the new year, I will resume my master’s degree in political science, and the experiences of the past months will undoubtedly serve as inspiration for my upcoming thesis.”


We thank you all for being part of the NorCore team and for an eventful autumn. All three will be returning to Norway to continue their work and studies, but before then, we wish you a good holiday!

From this year's Christmas dinner.
From this year's Christmas dinner.




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