Upcoming Seminar - Advancing Responsible International Collaboration in Research, Innovation, and Higher Education
The NorCore office welcomes you to a seminar on the topic of Advancing Responsible International Collaboration in Research, Innovation, and Higher Education at Norway House 8 April.

Photo: European Union, 2021.
Date: 8 April 2024, 13.30-18.00.
Location: Norway House, Rue Archimède 17, 1000 Bruxelles.
Deadline for registration is 2 April.
In face of geopolitical developments, many European countries, including Norway, have developed guidelines to strengthen the protection of academic values and institutional security in international cooperation in research, innovation, and higher education.
The NorCore office invites to an exchange on policies and practices at national and EU level, in an afternoon seminar followed by a networking reception. The EU Commission's initiatives to strengthen the EUs economic security will be addressed along with other approaches.
We invite stakeholders and policy makers to discuss lessons learned and explore recent developments and current challenges in this fast-evolving field.
The seminar will be arranged as a series of discussion panels with focus on three areas: policy, implementation and the way forward.
If you want to learn more about the Norwegian guidelines and tools, please see our resource page.
Preliminary programme:

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